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Plan your visit to Juozas Gruodis House

Since 1932 there has been a small house resembling a Lithuanian manor adjacent to the Eiguliai Mound, where the Lithuanian composer, conductor, and educator Juozas Gruodis and his wife Stasė lived.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Friday

10.00 am – 6.00 pm


10.00 am – 5.00 pm

Mondays and Sundays


We are closed on public holidays except on 16 February, 11 March, and 6 July. Closing time is one hour earlier than usual on the days preceding a public holiday. On the last Tuesday of each month, the museum is closed to visitors from 10 am to 12 pm for maintenance purposes.


You can purchase tickets at the museum’s ticket office. Only cash payments are accepted. Tickets can be purchased up until 30 minutes before the museum closes.

Ticket prices

Regular price – 4 Eur

Reduced price (students and persons who have reached the age of state social insurance) – 2 Eur

For pre-school children, schoolchildren, people with disabilities, etc. – free

Free admission (concessions are only available on presentation of documentary evidence):

  • pre-school children;

  • pupils and their supervisors;

  • orphans;

  • persons receiving social assistance;

  • people with disabilities and accompanying persons (one person – one attendant);

  • persons aged 80 and over;

  • Ukrainians withdrawn from Ukraine due to military actions taken by the Russian Federation in Ukraine;

  • members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);

  • members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);

  • partner travel agencies, guides accompanying tourist groups.

  • With 50% discount (concessions are only available on presentation of documentary evidence):

  • nuo 1939–1990 m. okupacijų nukentėję asmenys – politiniai kaliniai ir tremtiniai, buvusieji getų, koncentracijos ar kitokio tipo prievartinių stovyklų kaliniai;

  • Lietuvos nepriklausomybės gynėjai, nukentėję nuo 1991 m. sausio 11–13 d. ir po to vykdytos SSRS agresijos;

  • pasipriešinimo 1940–1990 m. okupacijoms dalyviai;

  • nuolatinės privalomosios karo tarnybos kariai;

  • kariai savanoriai

How to find us

Address: Salako St. 18, LT-44136 Kaunas


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