Beauty Secrets by Kipras Petrauskas

About the activity
An inter-war advertisement proclaims: ‘It’s not worth shedding a tear just because your complexion has lost its original colour. Waste no time and buy Kipras Petrauskas toilet soap by Beraras and before you know it you’ll have soft and healthy skin again.’
Yes, indeed, in interwar Lithuania, women used soap named after Kipras Petrauskas to enhance their beauty. We invite you to make your own replica of this soap with a box. While making the scented soap, you will not only learn interwar women’s beauty secrets, but also get to know more about Kipras Petrauskas himself, his creative activities and hobbies, and hear about the circumstances under which Kipras Petrauskas’s soap came into being and gained popularity. We will also take a look at inter-war advertising and discuss the ideals of beauty of that era.
A great idea for a celebratory occasion! This activity is also available in English.
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Tuesday to Friday 10:00–18:00, Saturday 10:00–17:00