Birthday at the Museum!

Birthday party at the Mikas and Kipras Petrauskas House
The famous brothers Mikas and Kipras Petrauskas started their musical journey as children, and their paths in life often ran in parallel. In 1924, the brothers built a two-storey brick house, which was never short of guests, music, and fun. That still holds true today: see it for yourselves on the day of the birthday party!
The MINI birthday package (2) includes: an activity for children (‘Paying a Visit to the Musical Instruments’ or ‘A Tent, a Trip, and Music’), a birthday photo shoot with an instant camera, and free time to congratulate the birthday culprit and enjoy a cake.
The MIDI birthday package (3) includes: the educational activity entitled ‘Beauty Secrets by Kipras Petrauskas’, during which the participants will be able to make a small gift: a bar of soap. Participants will also be given a guided tour of a permanent exhibition dedicated to the State Theatre, a birthday photo shoot with an instant camera, and free time to congratulate the birthday culprit and enjoy a cake.
The Museum will provide birthday decorations, a music player, tools and utensils for your birthday feast free of charge.
For more information and to arrange your celebration, please contact us by phone (+370 696 75 737) or email (mkp.kasa@kaunomuziejus.lt). Address: K. Petrausko St. 31, Kaunas.
Birthday party at the Juozas Gruodis House
When composer Juozas Gruodis and his wife Stasė settled in this manor house in 1932, it was a remote yet picturesque location in Kaunas. The house was surrounded by verdant trees, the Gruodis’s dogs roamed freely around the grounds, a goat grazed, and bees lived in a hive on the balcony. Although the pets are no longer there, the surroundings still enchant every visitor. And celebrating a birthday here in the warm season is a real treat!
The MINI birthday package (2) includes: an educational activity (‘Get to Know Juozas Gruodis’ or ‘Guess the Song’), a birthday photo shoot with an instant camera, and free time to congratulate the birthday culprit and enjoy a cake.
The MIDI birthday package (3) includes: the educational activity entitled ‘Teatime with Auntie Stasė’, during which participants will hear funny stories about Juozas Gruodis, enjoy a fragrant tea prepared according to Stasė Gruodienė’s recipe, and make quirky shapes out of candy paper. There will also be a fascinating tour around the Gruodis family home, a birthday photo shoot with an instant camera, and free time to congratulate the birthday culprit and enjoy a cake.
The Museum will provide birthday decorations, a music player, tools and utensils for your birthday feast free of charge.
Please note, birthday parties are available at the Juozas Gruodis House during the warm season only. For more information and to arrange your celebration, please contact us by phone (+370 611 62 789) or email (d.jonusaite@kaunomuziejus.lt). Address: Salako St. 18, Kaunas.
Birthday party at the Folk Music Museum
This is perhaps the only museum in Lithuania that encourages you to be noisy! Here you can play the skrabalai, bone whistles (ūžynės), rattles, birbynės, trumpets, traditional flutes (lamzdeliai) and many other interesting folk music instruments. You can also sing in a sutartinės karaoke, take part in an interactive dance and music band game, try your hand as the DJ Folk, and have fun on the musical stairs.
The MINI birthday package (2) includes: EITHER the ‘Let’s Play TI TA TO’ activity which is a journey into the world of sounds where natural and man-made music intertwine (for children aged 6–9 years old) OR an interactive dance and band game activity (for children aged 10–12 years old); a birthday photo shoot with an instant camera; and free time to congratulate the birthday culprit and enjoy a cake.
The MIDI birthday package (3) includes: the ‘How a Panpipe is Born’ activity, where all participants will make their own musical instrument: a panpipe. Children aged 6-9 years old will become real folk musicians by learning about Lithuanian folk instruments and playing in an instrumental band! And children aged 10–12 tears old will feel like they came to a real party: dancing, playing and making music. There will also be a birthday photo shoot with an instant camera and free time to congratulate the birthday culprit and enjoy a cake.
The Museum will provide birthday decorations, a music player, tools and utensils for your birthday feast free of charge.
For more information and to arrange your celebration, please contact us by phone (+370 694 20 64) or email (tm.kasa@kaunomuziejus.lt). Address: L. Zamenhofo St. 12, Kaunas.
When is this activity available?
Tuesday–Friday:start at your chosen time between 10:00 and 15:00;Saturday: start at your chosen time between 10:00 and 14:00.